I lookup a lot of computer serial numbers for warranty status and driver updates, WMIC via the command line is quick and easy way to get that info. It’s below with a small collection of other potentially helpful WMIC queries.
User SID: | wmic useraccount get name,sid |
Serial Number: | wmic bios get serialnumber |
BIOS Version: | wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion |
BIOS Info: | wmic BIOS get Manufacturer,Name,SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Version |
Computer info: | wmic csproduct get vendor, version |
Computer info: | wmic computersystem get model,name,manufacturer,systemtype |
OS Info: | wmic OS get Caption,CSDVersion,OSArchitecture,Version |
Memory Info: | wmic MEMORYCHIP get Capacity,DeviceLocator,PartNumber,Tag |
Network: | wmic NIC get Description,MACAddress,NetEnabled,Speed |
Disk Info: | wmic DISKDRIVE get InterfaceType,Name,Size,Status |
User Accounts: | wmic USERACCOUNT get Caption,Name,PasswordRequired,Status |