Pale Ale – Top 10

Top 10 list of Pale Ales acquired through extensive testing at our back porch lab – includes American Pale Ale, India Pale Ale and  Imperial/Double Pale Ale. India Pale Ale: Pale Ale with more hops to help preserve […]

Class Warfare

Whether you agree with the words or not it appears the speakers brain is receiving oxygen and the heart is actively pumping blood. That’s a win win these days.

Artisan Bread

Do you ever buy or bake good bread, and then eat it all at once? I picked up two loaves today – one Semolina and the other Tuscan. Looks good, smells good, just know it’s gonna […]

What is in my hair?

It’s 11:15pm. I stand in front of the kitchen sink drinking a pre-recovery break (also know as short periods of sleep) glass of water after (yet another) 15 hour day at the office. I sigh lightly […]